Safe Families PLUS: COVID-19 Update
Dear Safe Families PLUS Community,
This is a challenging time for all of us, as we are living in a time of shared concern and caution. I wanted to let you know how we are doing our part to reduce exposure to illness and prevent the spread of COVID-19 among our youth, volunteers, and staff.
Effective immediately, we will be working remotely through close of business on Monday, March 30. As ever, our team will remain in close communication with our mentors/mentees and will be maintaining the safety, health and well-being of every youth in our program. We will also be suspending all in-person mentor outings and check-in meetings during this time, but encourage mentors to use alternative methods of connecting with their mentees. These include but are not limited to: email and video conversations via Google Hangouts, Zoom, or Facetime. The time spent connecting with mentors and mentees remotely will be counted toward the two visit per month requirement. If you have any immediate concerns about staying in touch with your mentee via these alternative methods, please contact your Safe Families Coach immediately and we can help troubleshoot.
Lastly, all large gatherings, such as mentor trainings and group events, will be postponed or occur via video/phone conferencing if possible.
Please know that this decision was not an easy one to make, but it is in the best interest of all of us. Your coach will be available during normal business hours to continue to support mentoring relationships during this unprecedented time.
As a reminder, please continue to check for updates through the Center for Disease Control, Chicago Department of Health, and the Illinois Department of Health.
Stay well,
The Safe Families PLUS Staff